IAPR Second International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology
24-27 Oct 2022 Strasbourg (France)
We are organizing an open poster session dedicated to seminal and ongoing works about digital geometry and mathematical morphology.
The poster subjects may concern already published articles, software, research consortia, future events, etc.
These posters will not be peer-reviewed and not published.
If you would like to present a poster, please submit the title and abstract before October, 9 to:
Note: The presentation of a poster naturally implies registration for the conference.
We propose you to highlight the reproducible aspects of your works in digital geometry and mathematical morphology, by proposing a poster in a special track. These posters are not necessarily based on a paper accepted at DGMM.
In addition, in coordination with the RRPR workshop held at ICPR 2022, we also propose you to submit a paper related to your poster that will be published in the RRPR proceedings if it successfully passes the review process.
Paper deadlines:
Since the accepted papers will appear on the RRPR post proceedings, you have to submit your contribution in the track « Special Track: DGMM poster session on Reproducibility » by following this link:
Instructions for submission: