The conference proceedings are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
For the participants, Springer Nature kindly offers free access to the proceedings from October 23th to November 23th.
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Honor speaker
- H1 - Reflections on a Scientific Career and its Possible Legacy
Christian Ronse
Session chair: Isabelle Bloch
Invited speakers
- K1 - Hybrid Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Representation and Model-based Medical Image Understanding - Towards Explainability
Isabelle Bloch
Session chair: Benoît Naegel
- K2 - Digital Geometry, Mathematical Morphology, and Discrete Optimization: a survey
Christer Kiselman
Session chair: Isabelle Sivignon
- K3 - Sliced Wasserstein on Manifolds: Spherical and Hyperbolical cases
Nicolas Courty
Session chair: David Coeurjolly
Session 1 - Learning Based Morphology
Tuesday 25, 10:00
Session chair: Nicolas Boutry
- 26 - Component Tree Loss Function: Definition and Optimization
Benjamin Perret and Jean Cousty
- 30 - Logarithmic Morphological Neural Nets robust to lighting variations
Guillaume Noyel, Emile Barbier-Renard, Michel Jourlin and Thierry Fournel
Session 2 - Discrete and Combinatorial Topology I
Tuesday 25, 14:00
Session chair: Nicolas Boutry
- 13 - Completions and ramifications
Gilles Bertrand
- 25 - Full convexity for polyhedral models in digital spaces
Fabien Feschet and Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
- 16 - Algorithms for pixelwise shape deformations preserving digital convexity
Lama Tarsissi, Yukiko Kenmochi, Hadjer Djerroumi, David Coeurjolly, Pascal Romon and Jean-Pierre Borel
- 50 - Topological analysis of simple segmentation maps
Maria-Jose Jimenez and Belen Medrano-Garfia
Session 3 - Discrete and Combinatorial Topology II
Wednesday 26, 10:00
Session chair: Étienne Le Quentrec
- 01 - Gradient Vector Fields of Discrete Morse Functions and Watershed-cuts
Nicolas Boutry, Gilles Bertrand and Laurent Najman
- 47 - On the Validity of the Two Raster Sequences Distance Transform Algorithm
Édouard Thiel
- 11 - A Heuristic for Short Homology Basis of Digital Objects
Aldo Gonzalez-Lorenzo, Alexandra Bac, Jean-Luc Mari
Session 4 - Digital Geometry: Models, Transforms, and Visualization I
Wednesday 26, 11:30
Session chair: Christer Kiselman
- 22 - A Simple Discrete Calculus for Digital Surfaces
David Coeurjolly and Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
- 41 - Exact and Optimal Conversion of a Hole-free 2D Digital Object into a Union of Balls in Polynomial Time
Isabelle Sivignon
Session 5 - Hierarchical and Graph-Based Models, Analysis and Segmentation
Wednesday 26, 14:00
Session chair: Laurent Najman
- 10 - Component-Tree Simplification through Fast Alpha Cuts
Michael H.F. Wilkinson
- 39 - Join, select, and insert: efficient out-of-core algorithms for hierarchical segmentation trees
Josselin Lefèvre, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret and Harold Phelippeau
- 33 - Fast and Effective Superpixel Segmentation using Accurate Saliency Estimation
Felipe Belém, Isabela Borlido, Leonardo João, Benjamin Perret, Jean Cousty, Silvio Guimaraes and Alexandre Falcão
- 02 - A Topological Tree of Shapes
Nicolas Passat and Yukiko Kenmochi
Session 6 - Multivariate and PDE-based Mathematical Morphology
Thursday 27, 10:00
Session chair: Bernhard Burgeth
- 09 - Morphological counterpart of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroups and PDEs
Jesus Angulo
- 36 - Equivariance-Based Analysis of PDE Evolutions Related to Multivariate Medians
Martin Welk
Session 7 - Discrete Tomography and Inverse Problems
Thursday 27, 11:30
Session chair: Étienne Baudrier
- 15 - On the Decomposability of Homogeneous Binary Planar Configurations with respect to a given Exact Polyomino
Michela Ascolese and Andrea Frosini
- 35 - Properties of SAT formulas characterizing convex sets with given projections
Niccolo Di Marco and Andrea Frosini
Session 8 - Digital geometry: Models, Transforms, and Visualization II
Thursday 27, 14:00
Session chair: Yukiko Kenmochi
- 28 - Introduction to Discrete Soft Transforms
Bastien Laboureix, Eric Andres and Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
- 45 - Density functions of periodic sequences
Olga Anosova and Vitaliy Kurlin
- 17 - Approximation of Digital Surfaces by a Hierarchical Set of Planar Patches
Jocelyn Meyron and Tristan Roussillon
Teasers: Tuesday 25, 16:15
Poster sessions: Tuesday 25, & Wednesday 26, 16:30
Session chair: Adrien Krähenbühl
- P01 - Towards topological analysis of non-symmetric tensor fields via complexification
Bernhard Burgeth, Andreas Kleefeld, Eugene Zhang and Yue Zhang
- P02 - Tangential cover for 3D irregular noisy digital curves
Phuc Ngo and Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
- P03 - A Curious Invariance Property of Certain Perfect Legendre Arrays: Stirring Without Mixing
Timothy Petersen, Matthew Ceko, David Paganin and Imants Svalbe
- P04 - Morphological adjunctions represented by matrices in max-plus algebra for signal and image processing
Samy Blusseau, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Jesús Angulo and Isabelle Bloch
- P05 - Distance-Driven Curve-Thinning on the Face-Centered Cubic Grid
Gábor Karai
- P06 - A novel approach for computation of morphological operations using the number theoretic transform
Vivek Sridhar and Michael Breuß
- P07 - MorphoActivations: Generalizing ReLU activations by mathematical morphology
Santiago Velasco-Forero and Jesus Angulo
- P08 - A new lattice-based plane-probing algorithm
Jui-Ting Lu, Tristan Roussillon and David Coeurjolly
- P09 - Differential Oriented Image Foresting Transform Segmentation by Seed Competition
Marcos A.T. Condori and Paulo A.V. Miranda
- P10 - Graph-Based Image Segmentation With Shape Priors and Band Constraints
Caio de Moraes Braz, Luiz Felipe D. Santos and Paulo A.V. Miranda
- P11 - Implicit Encoding and Simplification/Reduction of nGmaps
Florian Bogner, Jiri Hladuvka and Walter G. Kropatsch
Supplementary posters: Open session
Tuesday 25, & Wednesday 26, 16:30
- O1 - Morpholayers
Santiago Velasco-Forero
- O2 - Live extraction of curvilinear structures from LiDAR raw data
Philippe Even and Phuc Ngo
- O3 - Mathematical Morphology Tool for Exploring the Conduction Paths in Scanning Probe Microscopy Images
Mian Li, Jan Rieck, Beatriz Noheda, Jos B.T.M. Roerdink and Michael H.F. Wilkinson
- O4 - MMTO: Connected component correlation on multiple max-trees for multivariate image segmentation
Mohammad H. Faezi, Reynier Peletier and Michael H.F. Wilkinson
- O5 - nnMorpho, a PyTorch library for Mathematical Morphology operators
Gonzalo Romero-Garcia
- O6 - On the connected thickness of arithmetical hyperplans
Bastien Laboureix and Éric Domenjoud
- O7 - Binary Morphological Neural Networks
Theodore Aouad and Hugues Talbot
- O8 - On the Number of Digital Straight Segments Centered in a Square Grid
Remi Decelle, Phuc Ngo and Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
- O9 - Conjecture of the Characterization of Bijective Digitized Reflections and Rotations
Stéphane Breuils, Yukiko Kenmochi, Eric Andres, Akihiro Sugimoto
- O10 - Run-Length Based Mathematical Morphology for Processing of Large 3D Images of Wheat Grains
David Legland
- O11 - Joint optimization of distortion and cut location for mesh
Colin Weill-Duflos
Supplementary posters: Special track on Reproducible Reasearch
Tuesday 25, & Wednesday 26, 16:30
- RR1 - Forest road extraction using convolutional neural networks
Paul Georges, Phuc Ngo and Philippe Even
- RR2 - Combining max-Tree and CNN for Segmentation of Cellular FIB-SEM Iages
Cyril Meyer, Benoît Naegel, Etienne Baudrier and Patrick Schultz